Tucson Defuse Nuclear War Picket | Oct 14, 2022

Federal Plaza, Tucson, AZ Tucson, United States

Initiated by Veterans For Peace Jon Miles Chapter 13, Tucson. This is a continuation of Thursday's End ALL Wars at same location. Picket to urge Sen. Mark Kelly to support efforts to defuse nuclear war.

D.C. Defuse Nuclear War Picket | Oct 14, 2022

The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, United States

NO NUCLEAR WAR! White House Picket. Read more on the Hiroshima Nagasaki Peace Committee of the National Capital Area website.

Nuclear disarmament, climate change and the UN Summit of the Future

UN Millennium Hilton Hotel One UN Plaza, New York, NY

An inter-generational event during UN Disarmament Week (Oct 24-30) Includes presentation of the Protect People and the Planet Appeal Wednesday October 26, 1:15pm-2:45pm. Governor’s Room, 2nd Floor In-person: UN Millennium Hilton Hotel, One UN Plaza, New York Registration: https://forms.gle/5VUTqL7xeb6RAyiJ6 Live-streamed on Basel Peace Office facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BaselPeaceOffice Chair: Ms Ariana Smith (USA) Executive Director, Lawyers’ Committee on Nuclear […]

War Abolition Walk, Saturday, Oct 29 in Madison

302 E Gorham St 302 E Gorham St, Madison, WI, United States

Can you join us this Saturday, Oct 29, for a War Abolition Walk downtown?  Rep Pocan and 29 other US Representatives have formally asked President Biden to negotiate peace in Ukraine.  We request that Sen Baldwin introduce an identical letter in the Senate.   War Abolition Walk, Saturday, Oct 29 in Madison 10:30 am – Begin walk at […]


Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA, United States

Friday, Nov. 11, 11a.m., Olde City Philadelphia, PA.  Location to be announced soon. see www.brandywinepeace.com

Livestream: Diplomacy Is The Path To Peace

A keynote focus will be this statement by Dr. King during his 1964 Nobel Peace Prize speech: “I refuse to accept the cynical notion that nation after nation must spiral down a militaristic stairway into the hell of thermonuclear destruction.”  Please join: Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YWHtK-qbStmKdndbvUYBcg featuring: Reverend Dr. Liz Theoharis of the Poor People's Campaign […]

February 24 Day Of Action

Marking the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, join with others in the Defuse Nuclear War coalition to call on the United States to LEAD WITH DIPLOMACY instead of escalation to end the war.  We have an opportunity to amplify calls for genuine diplomacy to end this terrible war. With […]

Massachusetts Feb 24 Day Of Action in 6 Cities

Marking the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, join with others in the Defuse Nuclear War coalition to call on the United States to LEAD WITH DIPLOMACY instead of escalation to end the war. Rallies in Boston, Worcester, Springfield, and Northampton on Friday, February 24, anniversary of the start of […]

Garden City & Uniondale, NY Feb 24 Day Of Action

Office of Rep. Anthony D'Esposito 229 7th Street Suite 300, Garden City, NY, United States

Marking the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, join with others in the Defuse Nuclear War coalition to call on the United States to LEAD WITH DIPLOMACY instead of escalation to end the war. Demonstration outside Congressman D’Epoito’s office in Garden City N.Y. -- 11am - 1pm Connect with the […]

Philadelphia, PA Feb 24 Day Of Action

Liberty Bell 6th st and market st, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Marking the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, join with others in the Defuse Nuclear War coalition to call on the United States to LEAD WITH DIPLOMACY instead of escalation to end the war. Free us from Nuclear Weapons  12:00 Noon - 1:00pm Liberty Bell, Philadelphia, PA  Sign Display and National […]

Baltimore, MD Feb 24 Day Of Action

McKeldin Plaza Pratt and light streets, Baltimore, MD, United States

Marking the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, join with others in the Defuse Nuclear War coalition to call on the United States to LEAD WITH DIPLOMACY instead of escalation to end the war. Time:  noon to 1 pm Location:  McKeldin Plaza, Pratt and Light Streets Sponsor:  Baltimore Peace Action […]

Geneseo, NY Feb 24 Day Of Action

South end of Main street in Geneseo 137 Main st, Geneseo, NY, United States

Marking the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, join with others in the Defuse Nuclear War coalition to call on the United States to LEAD WITH DIPLOMACY instead of escalation to end the war. Friday, February 24th, 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM at our usual spot—south end of Main Street—in […]

Oakland, CA Feb 24 Day Of Action

Sen Barbara Lee's Office 1 Kaiser Plaza, Oakland

Friday, February 24, noon-1:00 pm Ukraine War Anniversary; Press Conference and Picket at Barbara Lee's Oakland Office 1 Kaiser Plaza, Oakland; Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/r8HfW8Dj7NQN1ZKT6 Indybay calendar posting: Representative Lee: End War in Ukraine : Indybay   Please spread the word. Thanks! We are gathering to ask Representative Lee to speak out publicly for an end to the conflict […]

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