29th Annual Sadako Peace Day

Sadako Peace Garden, Casa de Mária 888 San Ysidro Ln, Montecito, CA, United States

Join the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation to honor the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and all innocent victims of war. There will be live music, poetry readings, speakers, and time for reflection.

Nagasaki Peace and Lanterns Ceremony

Sequoyah Hills Park (west) 1400 Cherokee Blvd, Knoxville, TN, United States

The Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliances invites you to join their commemorative peace lantern ceremony to remember the victims of the Nagasaki bombing.

WNCPSR August Monthly Meeting

First Congregational United Church of Christ 20 Oak Street, Asheville, NC, United States

Western North Carolina PSR’s monthly chapter meeting.

Say No to Minuteman III ICBM test launch Vandenberg Sept. 5th

Vandenberg Space Force Base 1145 Mountain View Blvd, Vandenberg AFB, CA, United States

Protest the planned test launch of a Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. The protest will be at the Santa Maria gate of Vandenberg Space Force base in Lompoc California.  The […]

Say No to Minuteman III ICBM test launch Vandenberg Sept. 6th

Vandenberg Space Force Base 1145 Mountain View Blvd, Vandenberg AFB, CA, United States

Protest the planned test launch of a Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. The protest will be at the Santa Maria gate of Vandenberg Space Force base in Lompoc California.  The […]

Rally against U.S./NATO Nuclear Weapons in Karlsruhe, Germany

Schloßbezirk 3, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany Schloßbezirk 3, 76131, Karlsruhe, Germany

Part 1: Wake up Justice! Protest in front of the Federal Constitutional Court   Germany’s nationwide campaign Büchel is Everywhere! Nuclear Weapons-Free Now! — of the parent network Abolish Nuclear […]

Silent Vigil against Nuclear Weapons and ICBM missiles – Palo Alto, CA

Intersection of El Camino and Embarcadero El Camino & Embarcadero, Palo Alto, CA, United States

Palo Alto Demonstration Against ICBMs   Join the Women's International League for Peace & Freedom of Palo Alto for a demonstration against ICBMs with signs and banners on the public […]

Demonstrate with Veterans for Peace in Santa Fe, NM

Alameda & Sandoval W Alameda St and Sandoval St, Santa Fe, NM, United States

Advocate for ending nuclear weapons production with Veterans for Peace - Santa Fe Chapter. Create signs, bring puppets, get attention to stopping nuclear weapons production at Los Alamos Nat'l Lab […]

#NoWar2023 Conference: Nonviolent Resistance to Militarism

A global 3-day conference on nonviolent resistance in the face of invasions, occupations, and military violence. You say you’re against war, but what’s the alternative? Managing conflict nonviolently is one of […]


Fresno Demonstration: Cease Fire & Negotiate in Ukraine

Blackstone and Nees Avenues Blackstone and Need Avenues, Fresno, CA, United States

Join Peace Fresno in a demonstration for a ceasefire and negotiations in Ukraine alongside the Defuse Nuclear War coalition. Sept 23, 2023 Blackstone & Nees Avenues in Fresno, CA 12:30pm

Defuse Nuclear War Sept. 24-30, 2023 Week of Action

Join the Defuse Nuclear War Coalition in organizing nationwide protests, vigils, demonstrations, and other actions – for diplomacy with Russia and Ukraine; disarming ICBMs; and reinstating ABM, INF and Open […]

Rally against U.S./NATO Nuclear Weapons in Strasbourg, France

European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg France des Droits de l'Homme, 67000, Strasburg, France

Part 2: After a 62-mile bicycle "protest" ride from Karlsruhe, a second rally will take place Sept. 25, 2023 before the offices of the European Court of Human Rights in […]

March to Defuse Nuclear War in Chico, CA

1st St and Salem- Chico, Ca. W 1st St and Salem St, Chico, CA, United States

Join the Chico Peace Alliance for a march onto the Chico State University campus and then through downtown with information to urge students and community members to get involved in […]

Help build a movement to prevent nuclear war